Thursday, August 14, 2014

Chromaphyosemion Bivittatum Funge

We're part of a killi group on facebook and saw someone with a cool looking killi fish and decided to get some. We used to have another breed but due to Aaron moving and an unfortunate incident, :( we have no more.
I can't find the picture of how they look when fully grown but I will keep posting updates on our little babies! :)

aren't they so cute? I circled them so it'll be easier to spot them. The first one ran from the camera and settled there and just watched me ^^ 
I found the second one on the other side of the tank just chilling
They hatched on Aug 12, and they're all in peat moss right now.
The guy we bought them from said he collected them on Aug 3rd-Aug 5th and to put them in water on the 15th-16th but I was impatient so we ended up putting them in the water on the 10th.

The left side is small tank that we used, to put the peat moss in so they can hatch and we can see them easier. We found a total of 6 right now and put them in the big tank. We handmade the little tunnel that you see in the bigger tank and we cut a little piece of stocking on the filter so the babies don't get sucked up into the filter. We got a small sock/stocking type of thing at walmart for $.88(?) and we still haven't finished up using it. We can't see any of the babies because they're hiding in the rocks of the tunnel but last night we kind of picked up the tunnel and and saw all the babies swim out so we know they're still alive. We've been feeding them first bites for now but we prob won't see them as easily until 2 weeks from now!

The first male and first female we find are being named Stark (from Ironman) and Susie loll

Here's our vid on youtube that we posted!

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