Sunday, August 31, 2014

2 weeks old!

Our babies are two weeks old! They grew a lot and you can see them more now. We left our peat in another tank hoping more babies would hatch and now we have 17 in total! I think we had 14 already in the tank and then we checked our other tank and found around 2 everyday.
We've read stories where people have thrown the eggs out or happened to leave them in a small pond and they'll see killifish swimming around alive and healthy! We knew the eggs were sturdy and we wanted to get the most for our money since we had to pay for them and we do like taking care of them. They're so pretty to watch! Some eggs did happen to get "moldy" and cloudy and no babies hatch from them so we had to throw them out.
But here's an update on how big they are! This is one of the bigger ones and they're obviously way bigger than the ones that hatched late.

They still look the same but a bit bigger. We'll make a video of them soon swimming around and eating ^^

Our update on our fish and our new tank all set up and fixed :)

Thank you for watching!!

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