Sunday, August 31, 2014

2 weeks old!

Our babies are two weeks old! They grew a lot and you can see them more now. We left our peat in another tank hoping more babies would hatch and now we have 17 in total! I think we had 14 already in the tank and then we checked our other tank and found around 2 everyday.
We've read stories where people have thrown the eggs out or happened to leave them in a small pond and they'll see killifish swimming around alive and healthy! We knew the eggs were sturdy and we wanted to get the most for our money since we had to pay for them and we do like taking care of them. They're so pretty to watch! Some eggs did happen to get "moldy" and cloudy and no babies hatch from them so we had to throw them out.
But here's an update on how big they are! This is one of the bigger ones and they're obviously way bigger than the ones that hatched late.

They still look the same but a bit bigger. We'll make a video of them soon swimming around and eating ^^

Our update on our fish and our new tank all set up and fixed :)

Thank you for watching!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Brine Shrimp Hatchery

So today was just pouring like crazy and we had some thunder and lighting.. Our lights started flickering a bit too but once in awhile the rain will stop and the sun will shine through. Weird bipolar weather..
But anyways we had a little mini brine shrimp hatchery with a small bottle because it was the only one we could find on such short notice. I did say in my last post that the Archer Farms electrolyte-infused water was the best water bottle to use for your own diy brine shrimp hatchery.

You can click on the picture above but I drew a line of where you should cut the bottle. If you have this same bottle, you cut on the second ridge.

You should get two sections (the bottom half and the top half) and you just insert the top half upside down in to the bottom half and it should "click" or interlock with each other because the top half has another ridge. This is why I love this bottle. 
Now you also need to get an air pump and some airline tubing. You can easily get some off of ebay/amazon, petsmart/petco, or a local fish store.  You want to make sure the end that goes into the bottle reaches all the way to the bottle cap for maximum tumbling of the bring shrimp eggs. When you make the mixture, put in some warm water, some salt and brine shrimp eggs. We also place this bottle in a bigger "bucket" with heated water because we find that they hatch much faster in heated water. Therefore, if you're putting this diy brine shrimp hatchery in another bucket like we did, you want to cut some holes in the bottom like we did here.

This allows the bottle to go into the bucket of water without floating and toppling over. Think of it like a boat on water. If the boat has no holes, it won't sink. In this case we do need it to "sink" so it stays stable. 

Now here are some updates on our babies!

This one was taken 2 days ago.

This was taken today. Look how big they've already gotten and they're only a week old! In this picture, he's looking at a brine shrimp to eat! :)

Thank you for reading! :)
You can follow me on instagram: @jwk92 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Our Killifish babies are growing!

We decided to take the rock tunnel out of the tank because Aaron thought it prevented the circulation of water from flowing freely which prevents dirt and old food getting sucked up by the filter. All the babies were also hiding between the rocks of the tunnel and we could never see them so for now, we took out the tunnel. I made Aaron compromise and get Java Fern because we've had great success with them and I wanted them to have at least some hiding spaces. While we took out the rock tunnel, we were still only able to see only a couple and they move really fast but we were able to take a picture of one of them!

This is our java fern from Petsmart. It cost $7.99 I think... They just got a shipment of them yesterday so we got a nice big one! The babies are all hiding in the java fern so I couldn't find any of them to take a pic of. :(

I found another egg that is ready to hatch! You can tell because you can see it's eyes. There was another one but I couldn't really take a good pic of it..

We are hatching our own brine shrimp to feed them and made our own bs (brine shrimp) hatchery! We used bottles (soda bottles, water bottles, etc) but we could only find a small one on such short notice. Our favorite bottle (well at least mine) is the Archer Farms electrolyte infused water bottle. I believe they only sell these at Target since it is a Target brand.

It is very tall as you can see and it is a decent width. Next time, I'll write up a post on how to make your own bs hatchery. It's very simple and easy to do. The reason you need bottles or at least something with a cone shaped edge is because you need to be able to push air throughout the bottle and with a flat bottom, the bs eggs won't tumble around the bottle evenly. The reason I like this bottle is because I feel everything fits and connects perfectly. I'll get into all the details next time though. ^^

You can follow me on instagram: @jwk92
Thank youuu!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Chromaphyosemion Bivittatum Funge

We're part of a killi group on facebook and saw someone with a cool looking killi fish and decided to get some. We used to have another breed but due to Aaron moving and an unfortunate incident, :( we have no more.
I can't find the picture of how they look when fully grown but I will keep posting updates on our little babies! :)

aren't they so cute? I circled them so it'll be easier to spot them. The first one ran from the camera and settled there and just watched me ^^ 
I found the second one on the other side of the tank just chilling
They hatched on Aug 12, and they're all in peat moss right now.
The guy we bought them from said he collected them on Aug 3rd-Aug 5th and to put them in water on the 15th-16th but I was impatient so we ended up putting them in the water on the 10th.

The left side is small tank that we used, to put the peat moss in so they can hatch and we can see them easier. We found a total of 6 right now and put them in the big tank. We handmade the little tunnel that you see in the bigger tank and we cut a little piece of stocking on the filter so the babies don't get sucked up into the filter. We got a small sock/stocking type of thing at walmart for $.88(?) and we still haven't finished up using it. We can't see any of the babies because they're hiding in the rocks of the tunnel but last night we kind of picked up the tunnel and and saw all the babies swim out so we know they're still alive. We've been feeding them first bites for now but we prob won't see them as easily until 2 weeks from now!

The first male and first female we find are being named Stark (from Ironman) and Susie loll

Here's our vid on youtube that we posted!