Friday, October 10, 2014

2 months old!

Heyyyy! sorry that I haven't been uploading but it's been hectic and yeahh..
They are 2 months old now!!
We try to upload an update on our fish but we haven't been doing that lately either...
Our youtube account is gumbatron2013 and here is our latest video:

We've been trying to catch mosquito larvae because we found out it's healthier and easy to feed them but we haven't caught any yet...

You can see they're starting to get color (especially yellow)
We thought that the females have the stripes but all of them mainly had it so we thought all of them were females but then we looked up another picture of them and the males have the stripes as well so we're still hopeful!!
Right now, they're on a diet of frozen brine shrimp, freeze dried blood worms and goldfish flakes. We're trying goldfish flakes only because we have a jar.. (I forgot why we bought it and why we still have it. lol..) 

Thank you for visiting! ^^